Two proposed amendments to the SCJA by-laws are on the ballot for referendum. Any proposed change requires a 2/3 approval vote from the general membership in order to be adopted.
The first proposed Amendment to the By-Laws is the adoption of an SCJA Anti-Harassment Policy. This policy was proposed by a subcommittee of SCJA Executive Board members and an external general member, edited by the Executive Board, then distributed to the general membership for review. Suggestions for edits by the general membership were then implemented to produce this final product. The language utilized in this policy mirrors that of several other organizations and is similar to that currently used by ACJS in their misconduct policy that is in the latter stages of editing and implementation. The text of the proposed Amendment can be read here.
The second proposed Amendment to the By-Laws is the adoption of an SCJA Reporting Committee on Misconduct. This mechanism was proposed by a subcommittee of SCJA Executive Board members and an external general member, edited by the Executive Board, then distributed to the general membership for review. Suggestions for edits by the general membership were then implemented to produce this final product. The language utilized in this policy mirrors that of several other organizations and is similar to that currently used by ACJS in their policy that is in the latter stages of editing and implementation. The text of the proposed Amendment can be read here.